15 Yard Dumpster

The 15 yard is not as commonly available across the country, but it's very popular for it's capacity while not being very long.  Always check your service area for what is available there.  This size dumpster is great for medium sized cleanup jobs like small bathroom remodels, house cleanouts, landscaping waste, or other small junk removal jobs.

15 yard dumpster dimensions

How big is a 15 yard dumpster?

A 15 yard dumpster is a waste container that measures approximately 16 feet long, 8 feet wide, and 4 to 4.5 feet tall.  It can hold up to 15 cubic yards of trash, which is equivalent to about 6 or 7 pickup truck loads.

How to rent a 15 yard dumpster in 5 minutes:

1.  Give us a call at (888) 970-2144 or use our live chat to check price and availability, or ask any questions you may have.

2.  We get some basic information, and once the invoice is paid, your dumpster delivery is scheduled.  DONE!  The entire process can be done online, if you like.  Fast, simple, and convenient.

The 15 yard size is very popular, but it's not available everywhere.  Keep in mind it does not cost much more to rent a larger size, because the larger sizes are much more common in every area.  

CALL US!  (888) 970-2144

How much is a 15 yard dumpster?

The price for the 15 yard ranges from $379 up to $599, depending on the area of the country where it's delivered.  Prices for dumpster rentals can change frequently as they are directly tied to local economic prices for fuel, landfill rates, and more.  Check prices quickly and easily by giving us a call or using our live chat.

What does a 15 yard dumpster look like?

The 15 yard is not as long as the larger sizes, and it's only about 4 feet tall.   Take a look at some 15 yard dumpsters below:
15 yard dumpster
15 yard dumpster
15 yard residential dumpster